Customizing your 1st lace crown can be an exciting and nervous process all at the same time. You will be excited because you have finally find your solution to covering your hair loss and looking forward to the new you! The nervous feeling is how you will look in the lace crown, is this the right solution for you, and is anyone going to notice. I can tell you that I personally felt all of these feelings when I purchased my first lace crown. I was wearing regular wigs initially until I met a hair stylist who introduced me to the lace hair systems. My job as your hair system consultant/designer and as a woman who has personal experience with hair loss is to be there with you every step of the way. I will answer all of questions and thoughts you may have about wearing lace systems. I receive many wonderful comments when I wear my lace units and these people had not clue that I was wearing a unit. I even had my face done at the MAC store and had a lady ask me who was my stylist. She was blown away when I told her that I was wearing a lace system. You too can have the exact same comments when wearing your unit. The lace system is the best solution for any stage of hair loss. They will help you regain your confidence and enhance your outer beauty.
The key to making the lace system look undetectable and naturally yours is by having it customized. Not all heads are that same measurement or shape, which makes us all unique from one another. The best way to achieve the exact head measurements is by making a template of your head using saran wrap, tape, scissors, and a sharpie. I will walk you through the process of making a template through a consultation appointment. The lace systems last up to 1 year or longer depending on how your care for it. I always recommend that you have at least two hair systems to alternate between to extend the life of them. Lace systems are well worth the investment!
The first step to purchasing your customize lace crown is having consultation with me, which can be done by phone, email, Google+, or Skype. During the consultation, I educate you on our lace crowns and how to properly care for them. We will discuss what you are looking for in your lace crown, hair type, density, color, cap type, length, and how to make a head template. I do recommend that your first lace crown be a replica of how your hair looked prior to your hair loss. That way you will easily become comfortable with your unit. In the second step, you will do your template and mail it to me to be sent to my manufacturer to have them make your lace crown. This process will take up to four to six weeks. The finally step is having your lace crown delivered to you.
Going through the process of hair loss is enough stress, so you will not be pressured into making a quick purchase. I will work with you at your pace and make you feel as comfortable as possible with your any decision that you make.
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